Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I am Yours~

The time I knew who I am,
When the time I know I’m not yours,
After twenty years breathing with you,
I shocked amid mind-boggling truth,
Nobody knows how it boggled,
But now, it’s hiding deep in my heart.
Not to face up though be digging,
As now I know even I’m not yours.
You had made me to be yours,
When I was just no nothing,
As my eyes see blurred,
And my mouth tasted milk.
You raised and still raising me up,
You taught and still teaching me love,
You made me touched never ending,
By whom you are,
By what you did, done and doing.
Thus I don’t want to know who I belong truly,
As I already have you in my heart,
And so,
I am yours.

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